by J.E.S. Enterprises, Inc. for The Old Appliance Club
The Antique Stove Communiqué
Issue #2
VALVES for Antique Stoves
Oven and Broilers
Safety System In Your Stove Can Save Your Life
One of the most important devices your antique stove can have is
an oven or broiler safety valve. If the burner flame goes out this valve
will automatically shut off the main gas flow to the oven or broiler
compartment. In some antique ranges there will be one or more depending
on the amount of ovens and broilers your stove was made with.
Gas Stoves - Up though the early 1930s
Early gas stoves were manufactured without safety valves. The
ovens were match lighted. The ignition method used was to turn on the
oven gas supply valve, scratch a match and quickly ignite the oven
burner. When you were finished cooking you simply shut the gas supply
Sounds easy enough, but is it really safe?
*Stoves owners that have ranges without safety valves must be
extra cautious since there is no safety backup to a range like this.
The main problem that drew great attention to early gas stoves was the
looming possibility of a gas explosion....and
they did happen!
Arise in Early Gas Ranges Without Safety Valves
gas stoves for indoor cooking spread across the nation thousands of
ranges were being sold each year. At one time there were so many stove
companies you could practically throw a rock and hit one.
The early ranges were still very much in the experimental mode though.
People had to get used to using gas rather than stoking wood fired
stoves. This would take a lot of homework and without a teacher you
pretty much had to learn from the seat of your pants.
Wrong Step Could Cost a Life
One especially nasty problem occurred when folks would forget
they turned on the oven gas valve and walk away from the stove. Even
worse was having young children play with the gas valves on the stove
when no elder was in the kitchen. Raw gas is unforgiving.
*True Story - A childhood friend of mine turned on the oven when
his mother was not at home. After he used a match to light the oven the
flame gust took his eyebrows right off.
are Like a Six-Sided Safe
You see, the oven shell (with the door closed) is like a box. If
there is no burner ignition raw gas continues to fill the oven until it
finds its first point of ignition. Any spark, a flame of any kind,
someone smoking etc. etc. would ignite the oven causing the compressed
gas to behave like a bomb. Not good....
You can just imagine what happened when an explosion like this occurred.
For sure it had to be the quickest way to attain an instant address
change even if you had no interest in moving. The serious side of this
is that many folks died, got injured or had their homes ruined or burned
down to the ground.
Although progress was made overnight, stove companies started
making great modifications. In our opinion, the most important feature
was the oven and broiler safety valves. *It is interesting to note that
up until the early 1950s you could still order a stove with or without a
safety valve. The lower or less expensive models would have no safety
To Tell If Your Stove Has an Oven or Broiler Safety System
Generally speaking, from the mid - 1930s forward, safety valves
started showing up on the more of the deluxe gas ranges.
Not all, but most major manufacturers placed an embossed "CP" in
a circle on the front of the control panel. This meant your stove was
manufactured with an oven safety system and was considered deluxe for a
number of reasons.
There is a most informative and well researched article about CP ranges
in a back issue of The Old Road Home vintage appliance magazine. If you
are curious about learning how this monumental change in stove history
came about we suggest you order this issue of The Old Road Home. It is
still available at this time.
You will read all CP
range designation and about the 22 requirements and 10 optional
requirements. Here is the
link: http://www.antiquestoves.com/toac/theoldroadhome10thyear.htm
Just scroll down to:
Spring 2001
Issue Featuring - UNIVERSAL Stove Line of 1940.
True Story - Christmas and the Chambers Stove
A few years back a Chambers stove owner had a really shocking
Christmas. Her stove was made in the early 50s and did not have an oven
safety system. As they were preparing the Christmas dinner they opened
the door to the kitchen as it was getting hot. The stove was next to the
kitchen door and after they opened it a gust of wind actually blew out
the oven burner without the folks knowing about it.
Several minutes went by and the daughter said she smelled gas.
Her mother instantly said to open the window in the kitchen to let fresh
air in. After a few minutes they thought all was o.k. however since the
stove did not have a safety system, the gas was still pumping into the
oven. Her daughter then went to relight the oven. Within a few seconds
there was a blast. It blew out all of the windows in the kitchen and
actually knocked the socks off her mom’s feet! There is more…..the gals
said they saw the stove lift up from the floor and almost pull apart.
Can you imagine how scary that must have been? Thankfully no one was
hurt, but it doesn’t always happen this way as most of you well know.
always a good thing to have a safety system for your stove but even
stoves that have a safety system can be in trouble. Why is this so? If
the safety system is broken or not working it’s like having a stove
without a safety system.
Safety Valve or Thermostat – General Rule
Here is a general rule of thumb for stove owners to use.
This is a general rule which is true 95% of the time. If your
oven’s temperature is too hot or doesn’t heat properly that is typically
an issue with the thermostat.
If your oven does not come on at all this will generally be a safety
valve issue.
*Note: There are other things that can cause problems with heating and
there are thermostats that have safety systems built into them. Due to
room, we won’t be getting into this right now, but the general rule
provided here is applicable almost all of the time.
You Rebuild a Faulty Safety Valve at Home?
Safety valves like thermostats are not something you would want
to play around with. Remember you are dealing with raw gas and this is
always to be greatly respected. Safety valves cannot be rebuilt at home.
The parts and knowledge required to rebuild, replace or modify a valve
is not available to the general public.
Another issue is that there may be a better upgrade for your stove than
was originally issued. Over the years we have made significant
improvements with safety valves and safety system which can benefit your
stove without a doubt.
If you could see what some of the old safety valves look like you
would be shocked to see how useless they can become. Sometimes people
override a safety system when it is broken to force the oven to work.
This is super dangerous.
New old stove owners are not delighted once they have been told they
effectively have no safety system from the Gas Company. That’s normally
when your stove will be “red-tagged” so you cannot use it until it is
repaired properly.
The Solution to Having a Good Working SAFE Stove
There is no price you can put on safety. Can you imagine what
driving your car without brakes would be like? It’s really no different
with owning a gas range.
Who doesn’t want safety? The cost is low in comparison with the safety
it provides too.
If you are having a safety valve issue with your stove, normally
you can have the Gas Co., plumber or service tech check your stove to be
sure. With old ranges, parts will be hard to find. You need to make sure
you are going in the right direction so you don’t waste any money and
get exactly what you need.
The TS-7 "Pickle" Safety Valve
1940s -1950s gas ranges employ the TS-7 Safety Valve. The TS-7 is a
family group of safety valves. There are different styles in this
grouping. If you are not sure if you have a safety valve problem or
would like to know a great deal more about this unit, we have a guide at
this link - http://www.antiquestoves.com/toac/SafetyValveGuideTS7.html.
Please check it out to see all of the information that this covers. If
you want to understand how to troubleshoot a problem with the TS-7 you
will be walked through all the steps to take so you will know if your
valve is bad and the cause.
to get Service for the Antique Stove Valves in your Range
If you are in need of specialized repair service for your antique
stove safety valves don’t fail to contact our company at
or call 805-643-3532. We can help you get these issues resolved fast.
With over 45 years in the antique stove field we have seen just about
everything there is to see about gas stove safety valves. Propane and
Gas Companies throughout America as well as service companies send their
valves to us for repair and we also serve the individual stove owners as
well. All of our services are guaranteed and turnaround time is fast.
Types of Safety Valves that Can Be Rebuilt
J.E.S. Enterprises can rebuild almost every Robertshaw, Grayson,
Bryant Igniter, General Controls and other safety valves for your stove.
We rebuild the complete MR2 series of valves, the TS7 through TS11 and
TS15 valves and many more.
Just email us a few digital pictures of your safety valve AND a
picture of the pilot in the oven or broiler so we can see what setup you
have. Let us know the length of the thermcoupling too. This is very
important. Let us know the exact problem you are experiencing so we can
help get back to you as fast as possible.
On just about every safety valve we rebuild, replace or sell we
give a good long warranty. If you could purchase a new safety valve you
might receive a 90 warranty which would be o.k., however we offer a long
2 year warranty plus something else. When you receive valve restoration
from our company you will also receive important set up instructions too
so you can get the very best performance from the valve. Like antique
cars, antique stoves must
be adjusted correctly to work at top level performance. We share this
help with all of our safety valve customers.
J.E.S. Enterprises, Inc. owns the only magnetizing machine for safety
valves in the U.S.A. It was custom built in house to serve one purpose
alone. That purpose is to make every valve work like brand new, no
matter how old it is.
This machine is used on every single safety valve that we restore. That
is precisely why we can offer a 2 year warranty to you on antique stove
safety valves. We check and double check every single part before it is
shipped so you will have a care free installation and good use from your
Why Buying a "Used" Safety Valve
is a Poor Idea
If you are in the market to purchase the same problem you already
have then buying a used safety valve is the fastest way to get there.
Used safety valves are just as old inside as they are on the outside.
Leaking valves, rotted safety seals etc., are the norm for safety valves
50, 60 or more years old. When you consider that leaking raw gas is
deadly do you want to take that big of a risk?
Even worse is you could be buying a valve that someone has "tinkered"
with and is broken inside or worn out. How would you know? There are
some people on the internet that will sell you anything for a buck. They
may not know what they are doing or might not even care!
Trying to save a few dollars
extra just isn't worth it.
Why pay twice? Get it done
right the first time and enjoy great performance from your stove as well
as great safety! You'll rest easy knowing your valve was expertly
restored and guaranteed.
How to Get Started Right Away!
Now that you have a good idea about safety valves and the vital
service they provide we invite you to contact us.
Most orders can be finished within 48 – 72 hours and if you need
Rush Services we offer Overnight Rush.
Just email us at
or call 805-643-3532 and we will be glad to
you back up to baking speed in no time at
hope this second edition of the Antique Stove Communique has explained
why the safety valves in your stove are so
We’ll see you next time for
another issue of
the Antique Stove Communiqué!
Issue > Antique Stove Thermostats
Happy Cooking Stove Pilots!
Jack n' Erika Santoro
J.E.S. Enterprises, Inc. /The Old Appliance Club
Ventura, California - www.theoldapplianceclub.net
toac@sbcglobal.net /805-643-3532
P.S. - Why not send us a clear large picture of yourself in front of
your range? We will try and post it in one of our upcoming communiqué.
If you love your old range now is the time to show it off including
yourself at command center. Pictures of your favorite dish are also
welcome. Just don't forget we need YOU in the picture as well!

(Alana E'Dahlia having fun at the O'Keefe & Merritt Aristocrat range
making up a batch of fresh whipped cream. Yummo!)
Happy Cooking Stove Pilots!
Contact us at:
toac@sbcglobal.net or 805-643-3532
Visit us at:
The Old Appliance Club Shop

E'Dahlia at the O'Keefe & Merritt Aristocrat range.
Email a picture of yourself in front of your antique stove and we will
try and publish it in the upcoming issues!